
Welcome, dear reader!

Are you tired? Are you juggling 3 kids, 2 dogs, 1 cat, and a partner/spouse/baby daddy, plus maybe a job? (I’m rocking the Stay-at-Home-Mom job myself these days #coronalife.) Oh, and occasionally you’d like to visit with your gal pals, right?

I feel ya. Except I only have 2 kids and 1 dog, plus the hubby.

Welcome to MothersRest, a love letter to moms, both new and seasoned, journeying from sleep deprived to joy-arrived

I’m Ginny. And my motto is: Some people drink. I do chocolate. (And blog and ride herd over male children. All with a touch of Southern flare and a side of sarcasm.)

Thanks for visiting MothersRest, a love letter to moms, both new and seasoned. Together, we’ll journey through the world of sleep deprivation to rediscover joy in its wake.

Here at MothersRest, you’ll find my ramblings on parenting misadventures, reflections on life and the occasional sleep tip. Plus, I’ll introduce you to lots of amazing guest bloggers who will bring totally new perspectives on life with kids of all ages, navigating marriage and relationships, and all things female.


I’m excited to share my journey from sleep deprived to joy-arrived with you.

I nursed each of my boys for 13 months. And they didn’t sleep through the night til they were weaned. Which means I was pregnant or nursing (read: not sleeping) for FOUR years. Whoa, that’s a long time to skip out on beloved, nightly 8-10 hours of sleep. And, really, even now when a nightmare comes knocking, who ya gonna call? Yep, mom! So, one day I’ll sleep again, right?

What about you?

How are you faring in this journey called motherhood? Sleep deprivation getting the best of you?

Truly, sleep deprivation is an evil mind-catcher, an enticer of demons, a joy-sucking ogre. From the me-search I’ve conducted, I discovered that:

Happy mom + sleep deprivation =
forgetful, foggy mommy brain + raging, grouchy mommy dearest

Who wants to spend time with that lovely, hot mess? And yes, mommy brain is real.

welcome photo

Did you know?

If you get just 5 hours of sleep at night, you’re basically drunk.

Think about it: society says it’s not okay to operate a car when we’re drunk, but we sleep-deprived moms get behind the wheel to drive our new bundles of joy to the pediatrician’s office within days of giving birth.

Here’s some good news

While sleep deprivation wreaks havoc on our minds and bodies (and relationships), we can take action. We can tap into the fields of neuroscience and positive psychology to take back the night, boost self-esteem, and lessen the effects of sleep deficits. Tip #1: Laughter works wonders.

I’m here to geek-out for you. To do some research on sleep and parenting and then blog about it. So you don’t have to. Because you’re probably busy chasing a toddler right now.

Feel free to join me in exploring the Resources I’m reading. Or go take a 10-minute nap.

And when you’re ready, prego ladies and new mommas, check out my collection of the most popular MothersRest posts for first-time mothers: How to survive life with a newborn.

I mentioned you’re probably busy. Me, too. I think I also mentioned I’m a Boy Mom. Plus, I run my own career strategy firm where I coach job seekers and write resumes and make LinkedIn profiles look super fancy. Then, in my “free” time, I teach at the local university.

So don’t hold me to writing a blog post every week.

Oh, and sometimes (most times), I won’t even mention sleep. Because life is full of stories, from the ten penis rules for boys to how I feel about my dog (meh). And I do rant about politics on occasion because that keeps me up at night, too.

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